global medical manufacturer since 1973 celebrating 50 years

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Pediatric Elbow Immobilizers

  • Soft foam construction for patient comfort and breathability
  • Rigid stays for optimal immobilization and strength
  • Prevents flexion of arm to prevent pulling NG tubes, tracheostomy tubes or IV lines
  • Hook closures for fast and accurate placement
Patients who disrupt medical treatment
Size Dimensions Qty Product #
Infant 5” L x 11” W 12 Eaches M7035-XS
Child 7” L x 12” W 1 Pair M7035-S
Child 7” L x 12” W 12 Eaches M7035-SB
Child 9” L x 12” W 12 Eaches M7035-M
Child 7½” L x 17” W 1 Pair M7035-L
Child 11” L x 14½” W 12 Eaches M7035-XL

SKU Product number

  • UPN:
  • Sterilization:
  • Latex:
  • HCPCS Code:
  • CE MArk:

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