global medical manufacturer since 1973 celebrating 50 years

Pink Non-Magnetic Instrument Pad

  • Provides sterile neutral field for the safe placement of instruments
  • Promotes hands-free transfer of sharps
  • Instruments cling to special slip-proof surface
  • Lies securely over drapes, yet light in weight
  • May be used to cover mayo stand to reduce noise or rolled up on mayo for instrument positioning
  • Recognizable, unique color
  • Easy to cut
  • Not made with natural rubber latex
Product No. Description Quantity
25-012 Pink Non-Magnetic Instrument Pad, 12” x 16” 25/Cs
25-012NS Non-Sterile Pink Non-Magnetic Instrument Pad, 12” x 16” 200/Cs

SKU Product number

  • UPN:
  • Sterilization:
  • Latex:
  • HCPCS Code:
  • CE MArk:

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