global medical manufacturer | since 1973 | over 45 years strong
business solutions
At DeRoyal, we feel it’s important to stay focused on new tools and technologies that we can develop for the healthcare industry. From inventory control to sterilization, our services support an overall mission of helping the healthcare industry provide high-quality healthcare with innovative solutions.
Continuum® is an automated inventory control and charge capture business solution designed to help reduce costs, increase revenue, and maximize clinical efficiencies by assessing what is in your inventory, who uses each item, and on whom an item is used.
Ortho Vault
PAR Excellence is a weight-based System for exclusive use with DeRoyal® Continuum®. The PAR Bins system is engineered to remove caregivers entirely from inventory processes associated with current technologies. This system is revolutionizing the supply chain, providing nursing with the confidence to know that the right supplies will be in the right place at the right time.
high quality
Bring us your ideas. They will remain your ideas and we’ll help you turn them into high quality products that will delight your customers and give you a maximum return on your investment.
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We offer a diverse selection of sterilization cycles, including nitrogen purge; and 100% ETO. In addition, we offer a variety of associated lab services, including biological indicators, product sterility, bioburden, residual analysis, viscosity testing, and Ph testing.
& assembly
DeRoyal offers product assembly and  custom tray management. Our ClearPack business solution combines cost containment and purchase control. Assembly processes follow GMP guidelines, via automation or by hand.
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