User Not Found | Nov 22, 2019
DeRoyal wins the 2019 AIM Case Study Competition for our study, "Improving Quality of Care and Reducing Cost Burdens Through NPWT Management Automation."
AIM,INC., is a trusted worldwide industry association for the automatic identification industry, providing unbiased information, educational resources and standards. AIM, INC. recently announced the results of its 2019 Case Study Competition. DeRoyal was fortunate to be among the winners!
The objective of DeRoyal’s study, "Improving Quality of Care and Reducing Cost Burdens Through NPWT Management Automation," was to demonstrate the patient care benefits of an automated Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) inventory management system through a 43-month retrospective study at a Level 1 Trauma Center located in Tennessee. The authors were a collaboration between DeRoyal’s own Jonathan Cayce, PhD, and Jaimebeth Galinis, MBA along with Rose Jensen BSN, RN from the University of Tennessee.