Marie Basarich | Apr 02, 2014
DeRoyal is pleased to announce that it has purchased the assets of MKMI, an Encino, California based Corporation.
DeRoyal is pleased to announce that it has purchased the assets of
MKMI, an Encino, California based Corporation. MKMI manufactures the
patented Umbilicup™ Cord Blood Sampling System which is a safety
engineered cord blood collection device used for sampling cord blood (Rh
and type) without the utilization of an exposed sharp needle. The
Umbilicup™ is an important addition to DeRoyal’s line of Birthing and
Neonatal products as it helps reduce the chance of needle sticks and
exposure to blood borne pathogens in accordance with the Needlestick
Safety and Prevention Act. It also solves the problem for hospitals of
providing a safe and efficient cord transportation device for further
lab testing. “According to DeRoyal President & C.O.O. Bill Pittman:
“This acquisition furthers our commitment to Improving Care. &
Improving Business. Safe handling of human blood is a critical aspect of
caregiver safety. We are 100% committed to improving the safety of our
clinical customers and the integration of this acquisition greatly
enhances our birthing and neonatal product line."
According to the
American Nurses Association (ANA), substantial progress has been made
since the passing of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act in 2000,
however, preventable sharps injuries and blood exposures continue to
occur in U.S. healthcare settings. In 2001-2002, a significant decline
in sharps injury rates occurred, but since then have leveled off. In
some settings, such as surgery, needlestick rates have gone up. In an
increasingly complex and changing healthcare environment, we need a
renewed commitment to achieve further progress.