Marie Basarich | Apr 30, 2013
In recognition of our commitment to providing employees with physical activity and wellness opportunities, DeRoyal has been named a Platinum Fit-Friendly Worksite by the American Heart Association (AHA).

In recognition of our commitment to providing employees with physical
activity and wellness opportunities, DeRoyal has been named a Platinum
Fit-Friendly Worksite by the American Heart Association (AHA). AHA has
initiated its Fit-Friendly Worksites program as a catalyst for promoting
health and wellness in the workplace. The program recognizes companies
that make the health and wellness of their employees a priority; the
Platinum designation is AHA’s highest level of recognition.
DeRoyal was named a Platinum Fit-Friendly Worksite for:
- Offering employees physical activity support
- Providing/increasing healthy eating options at the worksite
- Promoting a wellness culture
- Implementing at least nine criteria as outlined by the AHA in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and culture
- Demonstrating measurable outcomes related to workplace wellness
“We are extremely honored and excited to be recognized by the
American Heart Association’s My Heart. My Life. Initiative as a Platinum
Level Fit-Friendly Worksite. Physical activity and employee wellness are very important priorities
here at DeRoyal.” - Rebecca Harmon, CAO.